UFOs - Unidentified Flying Objects

Youtube documentaries - Feature length films worth watching
UFOs Out of the blueZero Point - Classified Anti Gravity Craft
William Cooper U.F.O. coverup
Expert NASA Researcher Exposes The Most Secret Space Program in Existence
Richard Dolan The Extraterrestrials Are Far Beyond Anything We Can Imagine
The Truth About MJ12 - We Have Recovered Crashed UFOs ... Thats a Fact! - Stanton Friedman
Linda Moulton Howe Has Astounding Information on Famous Alien Encounters - Linda Moulton Howe
Rendlesham Forest 2019 Update Mounthy Buddha
The Mystery Beneath (Baltic Sea UFO Documentary) | Timeline
Archaeology Discoveries That Show Something is VERY Wrong With Our Past - Erich von Daniken
UK and UFO sightings listed
Dr Steven Greer - author of SiriusDisclosure and Disclosure Project, perhaps the most controversial UFO in investigator of them all. He maintains that he has CE5, close encounters of the fifth kind and uses meditation and telepathy training to get groups of people to contact Alien craft. He also is in contact with many world governments to advise them on disclosure. Do not dismiss Dr Greer easily, he is one of the best connected people in this field.
Kerry Cassidy - Project Camelot is based on an idea generated when Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan met and spent the weekend in Tintagel, England, overlooking the sea in the home of King Arthur. Inspired by the legend of King Arthur and the Round Table a Utopian vision for the future, we decided to combine our talents and named our project in tribute to this vision.Since its inception, Project Camelot has become a leader in the area of whistleblower testimony by providing filmed interviews, shot guerrilla style, on location, with key witnesses and researchers from all around the world. We have traveled to remote corners of the globe and revealed secrets in areas previously only known to a select few from secret societies and those with high level security clearances in the secret governments.
Richard D Hall - Started with his own show on SKY TV in the UK investigating UFO sightings and cattle mutilations he quickly upset the establishment and moved to his own website and YouTube channel. He has become legendary for his thorough investigations into 9/11 and Madeline McCann. This is the guy others quote!
Linda Moulton Howe - One of the most long standing and well known UFO investigators in the world. LInda's Earthfiles website and regular YouTube shows answer many of the question other investigators would not know here to begin.
Nick Pope - The UK's leading official government investigator comes out of the dark to add credibility to UFO research and conspiracy theories.
Stanton Friedman - Respected physicist, author and investigator, his investigation or The Roswell incident and many other sightings and conspiracies earned him a lifetime achievement award. You will not find a better authority anywhere.
Crop Circles - Are they real or man-made? The debate continues, the Temporary Temples website records the latest UK crop circles, and retains archives of previous ones for you to view.
uk-ufo.co.uk - Latest UFO Sightings & News from around the UK and USA. Report a UFO Sighting.
serpo.org - This site is intended to facilitate the gradual release of confidential documents pertaining to a top secret exchange program of twelve US military personnel to Serpo, a planet of Zeta Reticuli, between the years 1965-78.
Books all on Amazon and most free to read on kindle Unlimited for £5.99/month
Managing Magic: The Goverment's UFO Disclosure plan
Arrival of the ANunnaki: The Gods that ruled us are returning to Earth
Ancient Knowledge
Mars Colony and Moon Bases: The Shocking Truth
Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs
AntiGravity Propulsion: Human or Alien Technologies?
Open skies, closed minds - Nick Pope
Earth: An alien enterprise
Alien Disclosure at Area 51: Dr Dan Bursish revelas to truth about ETs
Encounter in Rendlesham Forest by Nick by Pope
Circle of Deceit: A terrifyin alien agenda in Ireland and beyond
The edge of reality: A progress report on Unidentified Flying Objects by Allen J Hynek
UFO UK Updated by Peter Paget
Skinwalker Ranch: In the Shadow of the Ridge Based on actual events by Erick T Rhetts
Area 51: What they don't want you to know (Paranormal Activities Book2) by Steve Watson
UFO Photo: Computer Analysis of Worldwide UFO Images through the decades
UFOs The Shocking Trutyh: Invisible control and Megnetically Cohesive Beings by John Leonard
The Hynek UFO Reoort: What the Government Suppressed and why by J Allen Hynek
UFOs: The most compelling evidence for the existence of UFOs by Tom King
Penetration : The question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepath by Ingo Swann
My personal UFO playlist on Youtube
List of UFO organizations - from Wikipedia
Area 51 whistleblowers. I got these from Youtube but many have written books too -
Bob Lazar (ex Technician - Anti Gravity)
Paul H Utz (son of technician)
Ron Garner
David Adair
Philip Schneider
Derek Hennesy (Former Security Guard)
Dan Burisch
Robert Miller (Piloted UFO)
Colonel Philip Corso
Luis Elizondo (a former military intelligence official who ran the Pentagon's secret UFO unit)
Patrick SHank (son of engineer)
Ed Fouche (USAF Space C)
Boyd Bushman (Ex Area 51 and Lockheed Skunkworks)
John Lear (Learjet)
Bill Cooper
Please let me know if you find any other decent sites or sources-
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